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Name  : M.Hasybi Izzadin
Class   : B
NPM   : E1G014049
Translate the sentences below into Indonesian by using their own language !!!
Jack's grandmother likes to call Jack, Barefoot Jack because he does not like to wear shoes. Barefoot Jack likes to walk around on his tiptoes. Tonight, Barefoot Jack is outside with Shadow. Jack and Shadow are outside in the starlight looking for toads. Toads like to come out after sunset. After sunset, the air gets cool. When the air gets cool, a special water called dew starts to come. Dewdrops gather on the grass. Toads like the wet grass.
Jack and Shadow like to watch the toads jump around in the dewdrops. Tonight, Jack and Shadow also saw an airplane. Jack's grandmother said it was good luck to see special things in the sky at the same time you could see special things in the grass. Jack's grandmother said it was time to come inside. Jack's grandmother had a cupcake and hot cocoa treat for him. Jack had a tiny surprise in his pocket for his grandmother. What do you think it was?

Ladybird was getting ready for breakfast. She was expecting a houseguest any minute. Just as she began heating up the frying pan for pancakes, the doorbell rang. She took the frying pan off the stove and went to answer the door. As she opened the door, sunshine spilled in through the doorway. The sunshine actually made the carpet look a different color. "Welcome", she said to her houseguest. "I’m glad you could come by for breakfast." Ladybird opened the door wide. "Come in and have a seat." she said. Ladybird went to the linen closet and pulled out her finest tablecloth. She spread the tablecloth on the table and set out her crystal teapot beside the vase of sunflowers. Ladybird and her houseguest sat down and had a delicious breakfast together.

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